Anyway, not that I have the technical ability in my current state, I would love to write a new operating system. Why? Here are eight reasons:
- Performance gains from increased hardware capabilities have been severely strangled by poorly performing code and the belief that the faster hardware will compensate for less than stellar code. A new operating system should centrally focus on core performance at the expense of general purpose functionality.
- Malware... Viruses... Keystroke Loggers... Spyware... One of the key reasons this crap is proliferating is because we have the same-old operating systems and code and utilities. A new operating system should have some basic security in mind when designing basic low-level functionality. And, simply by nature, a new OS would be impervious to these nasties for a while.
- Current OSs are COMPLEX!!! They try to be the do-all, know-all solution to everything. Someone (or something) that tries to do everything will never do anything specific very well. A new operating system should focus more on doing computery things, rather than everything under the sun.
- Developer environments and tools for Windows and Linux are fragmenting so badly, researching solutions and problems, depending on the situation, can be a near-futile exercise. A new operating system could provide a new & clean slate.
- The windowing OS paradigm is dying. Yes, I said it. Don't get me wrong, the windowing paradigm will be around far longer than I. However, it is my firm belief that virtual reality, tactile and audio human/computer interfacing will be the future. A new operating system should have a low level text base interface for baseline operations, maintenance and debugging, and perhaps a windowing interface for coding, but should focus at these newer human/computer interfaces. And, just as a note, all functions capable of being performed by the computer, should be allowed through the text interface.
- The Keep It Simple and Stupid concept has been, for the most part, thrown out by most modern operating systems and development tools. A new operating system should embrace the KISS concept.
- Ever notice the slow access to directories with thousands of files? OK, there may be solutions but it just peeves me off when I have 10,000 or 20,000 files in a directory and handling this many files is so slow (in both Windows and Linux) I can take an afternoon of coffee & smoke breaks. A new operating system should minimally have the ability to support fast handling of large number of files.
- Provide a more rich computer eco-system. Sometime I think Apple and Windows and Linux devs are getting lazy, just hunting for and polishing the low-hanging fruit. A new operating system that performs well, has a vibrant development environment will place pressure on existing ecosystems and provide evolutionary pressure.
What are you waiting for???