Sunday, January 18, 2015

Making Glade run on Precise Puppy

Being a Crazy Old Programmer, there are times when Crazy Old Programmer Thoughts create little fires in far-flung reaches of my brain.  About a year ago I started collecting night sky images with the thought I would write a C# program to watch for odd things up in the heavens.

Specifically I wanted to look for meteorite trails and bolides.  It was not a success but not a failure.  The proof-of-concept was to make one second exposures and save 24 hours of these images.  Exposure time on day sky images would be adjusted accordingly.  That would yield about 86400 files for each 24 hour period.

Windows choked horribly.  Copying that many files from one directory to another required more than an hour of the computer's time.  Processing the images were slow, likely due to the file system and that C# doesn't compile to the hardware, rather to an intermediate CLI.

Anyway, I started looking and thought I would experiment with minimal Linux distributions.  First one up is Precise Puppy.  Install on my little HP mini was fairly painless and overall the OS is extremely responsive for such minimal hardware.

Next step is getting the DEVX package installed and running. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Slow it Down, Son!

I have been trying to tell programmers to 'just slow it down and think a bit' for years.

Whether you’re knitting or programming, working faster will only slow you down. Or at least that’s what Jeffrey Ventrella argues. In “The Case for Slow Programming“, the tech author makes the claim that software developers need to slow down if they want quicker results.

Nice article.  Take a look at it here.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Difficult Holidays - Yet Another Lesson on Enjoying the Simple Things in Life

Some lessons in simplicity come as gently as a Sparrow's feather landing on your arm.  Others are more difficult to accept.

We divorced back in 2007.  She liked the complex life, full of intrigue and lies and deceit and conspiracy.   It's not that she was happy with this, she never seemed happy, wanting things to be increasingly more complex.  She would spend days analyzing events and gossip to arrive at conclusions that seemed outrageous to a simple fellow like myself.

Aside from an occasional text, we had no communications, likely for the better as we were certainly not compatible.  She may have begun learning the pleasure that comes with simplicity a little too late.

A few days before Christmas she passed in her sleep, after a day of making cookies with a neighbor.

So, please take some time to enjoy the simplicity in your life.  So often our lives become twisted and complex.  That is not where peace thrives.  Find that peace and enjoy it.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

KIFS - A New Software Development Paradigm

KIFS is a new software development paradigm or philosophy that emphasizes simplicity above all other factors.
KIFS is an acronym for Keep It Freakishly Simple.

KIFS is not enumerable or objective.  It is sensitive to the context with which it is to be applied.  It is similar to the KISS philosophy but more specific. The goal of any software project developed using KIFS is simplicity in all aspects without affecting intended functionality.

KIFS is not exclusionary.  It may be used within the user interface where something large, overbearing and wasteful like an MVC design pattern can be used for other aspects of a particular project.  KIFS is there to help when needed.

Some advantages of KIFS are...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Brain What???

Many years ago as a hobby I collected computer languages.  I would be up all hours of the night downloading source code, reviewing documentation or trying to contact programmers involved with defunct languages.

Well, I saw the name of this language and had to laugh...  BrainFuck

Apparently this is an older language and, well, a very simple one.  The word terse simply does not do it justice.  Take a look at the above link to it's Wikipedia page.  Just WOW :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thoughts on the TP Link TL-WN725N 150Mbps Wireless N Nano USB Adapter

The time had come for me to relocate my working space.  My lovely wife suggested she make space in her art area of the front room for my desk.  Seemed perfect to me!

So, I move my work computer and settle into this new space.

"Hmmm, I could really use a desktop here.  Maybe get more into digital photography?  Maybe do more with my extracurricular programming projects?"  And, there it started.

The next day I disconnected our DVD/Hulu/Netflix computer that we have used once in the last ten months or so, and relocated it to my work area.  Only one thing...  Networking.  Only a few things are wired in our house, such as the Dish Satellite receivers and a Verbatim NAS server.  The family's computers all use 802.11 wireless.  With two wireless routers/APs a person could walk almost anywhere on our property and still be connected.

At any rate, that meant running a CAT5 cable from a router to my workspace so that this computer could talk to the internet, or purchasing a wireless card for the desktop.    While ordering holiday gifts for the family on Amazon, I happened onto the TP-Link TL-WN725N.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Z80 Blast From The Past

A few weeks ago while putting things away for winter; an 'autumn cleaning' if you will, I found my old project computer notebook from the late 1980's.  In it were notes and plans and photo-copies of more than enough information to build my own Z8000 computer.  Back then, my personal projects were based more on 'coolness' than having a purpose.  Ahhhh the good old days.

This morning I was poking around on the internet and what do I find???  A military paper on 256 Z80 autonomous computers clustered into a single highly parallel computer called ZMOB.

ZMOB had more of a conceptual point of origin rather than a purpose: "The ZMOB idea sprang originally from needs of the Computer Vision Lab at Maryland."  Ahhh...  To build something for the simple sake of building it.